Item Coversheet


ITEM/TOPIC:   Civic Area Master Plan Project

PRESENTER(S):   Matt Gennett, Director of Community Development, Tom Braun, and others from the Civic Area Master Plan Project Team

ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:   Council review the presentation and provide direction related to the next steps proposed by the project team.

BACKGROUND:   Since our last update to Council on February 19, 2019, the project team has taken the key themes from the first public engagement window and created various design concepts to illustrate ideas for how these themes could work on each of the five sites in the study area. The ideas presented to Countil during this update session are not recommentaions for improvements. Rather, they were done to provide visualizations of possible improvements in response to community input and in doing so foster further discussion of the Civic Area. An introductory discussion of market and financial considerations will also be presented by Economic Planning Systems. This presentation will provide background information for the next steps in the planning process.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION:   Council reviews the presentation, provides feedback, and affirms or adjusts the suggested next steps.

Civic Area Plan Update #3
EPS Project Approach