Item Coversheet


ITEM/TOPIC:   Town Council’s Alternative Housing Sites Initiative Update

PRESENTER(S):   Scott Robson, Town Manager

ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:   Informational only. 

BACKGROUND:   The Town Manager will present a brief update about the Town Council’s alternative housing sites initiative, the development of deed restricted housing and a new future location for the child learning facility. Based on public input received at the 7/21/20 Council meeting, discussions continue with Vail Resorts, Inc. and Triumph Development related to the Booth Heights property in East Vail and town-owned Middle Creek Lot 3. An updated draft Memorandum  of Understanding will be presented to the community for further comment once mutually-agreed upon deal points are further refined. Town staff continues to work on a diverse number of components associated with the initiative related to forest health in East Vail on USFS land, deed restricted housing, and an MOU with the nonprofit Children’s Garden of Learning focused on securing the childcare center a high quality future home.

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