Item Coversheet


ITEM/TOPIC:   Children's Garden of Learning Relocation Project Construction Contract Negotiations

PRESENTER(S):   Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer

ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:   Town Council directs the Town Manager to negotiate with MW Golden to come to an agreed upon contract price to complete construction of the project.

BACKGROUND:   In January the Town Council awarded the Children’s Garden of Learning (CGL) Project’s modular building construction contract to Palomar Modular Buildings.  The Town has sincee advertised the General Contractor (GC) portion of the CGL Project which includes the site work and architectural elements of the project.  Despite numerous bid extensions and reaching out to several local GC’s, the Town received no bids, however there is one interested GC.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION:   Staff recommends that the Town Council directs the Town Manager to negotiate with MW Golden to come to an agreed upon contract price to complete the work and to return on May 4 to award a contract.
