Item Coversheet


ITEM/TOPIC:   Slifer Square Project Update and Contract

PRESENTER(S):   Chad Salli, Project Engineer, Public Works

ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL:   Authorizing the Town Manage to enter into an agreement in a form approved by the Town Attorney in an amount not to exceed $3,027,583.14 with Icon Inc. for completion of the Slifer Square Project.

BACKGROUND:   Staff has identified 4 significant maintenance issues concerning Slifer Square, as follows, 1) Damaged storm sewer, 2) Storm water being discharged into Gore Creek without treatment, 3) Water leaking from the fountain, and 4) Corroded steel snowmelt mains.  In addition to the repairs necessary at Slifer Square, the portion of Meadow Drive along the Austria Haus is proposed to be reconstructed, see memo for details.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION:   Staff recommends authorizing the Town Manage to enter into an agreement in a form approved by the Town Attorney awarding the base bid and Meadow Drive along the Austria Haus alternate in an amount not to exceed $3,027,583.14 with Icon Inc. and further investigate retrofitting the existing parking structure drainage vault to improve water quality.

Slifer Square Memo