Evening Agenda


6:00 PM, May 5, 2020

Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine what time Council will consider an item.

Public comment will be taken on each agenda item.

Citizen participation offers an opportunity for citizens to express opinions or ask questions regarding town services, policies or other matters of community concern, and any items that are not on the agenda. Please attempt to keep comments to three minutes; time limits established are to provide efficiency in the conduct of the meeting and to allow equal opportunity for everyone wishing to speak.

1.Citizen Participation (10 min.)
2.Any action as a result of executive session
3.DRB / PEC Update (5 min.)
3.1.DRB / PEC Update
Presenter(s): Jonathan Spence, Senior Planner
4.Presentations / Discussion
4.1.November 2020 Ballot Initiative Polling Discussion – Long-Term Funding for Housing and Similar Efforts in Support of Economic Recovery30 min.
Presenter(s): George Ruther, Housing Director, David Flaherty, Magellan Strategies, Scott Robson, Town Manager
Action Requested of Council: Provide direction on whether to pursue a second community polling survey on long-term funding for housing and/or similar efforts in support of Vail's  economic recovery 
Background: Prior to the onset of the Covid-19 global pandemic the Vail Town Council and the Vail Local Housing Authority had been collaborating and discussing the pursuit of a long-term source of funding for housing in the Vail community.  Given the onset of the pandemic circumstances have changed and it is appropriate to revisit this topic at this time.
Staff Recommendation:

The town staff recommends the Vail Town Council provide answers to the following questions:


Should the town staff continue forward with a second community polling survey on the topic of establishing a dedicated, long-term source of funding for deed-restricted housing programs and developments in Vail, and should the polling include questions about broader additional economic stimulus initiatives aimed at financially supporting Vail’s economic recovery.



4.2.West Vail Master Plan Update15 min.
Presenter(s): Matt Gennett, Community Development Director
Action Requested of Council: Review and provide feedback on the attached memorandum and outline, and provide feedback on presentation.
Background: The intent of the West Vail Master Plan is to envision planning, zoning, and design options as well as transportation infrastructure, housing, and economic development for the West Vail area. The planning process is expected to take between 12 and 18 months, with final plan adoption by Town Council in the spring/summer of 2021

Vail Recovery Efforts in response to the Public Health Crisis

  • Municipal Operations Recovery Plan
  • Special Events Update
  • Vail Economic Recovery Team (VEAC) 
  • Community Relief Fund Update
  • Recession Plan and Budget Impacts
60 min.
Presenter(s): Scott Robson, Town Manager
Action Requested of Council: No action requested. 
Background: Town staff will present updates about ongoing planning efforts in key areas in response to the latest public health orders from Eagle County. Town staff have been updating and defining next phases in its  Municipal Operations Recovery Plan along with reviewing event programming with event promoters that were slated throughout the summer. There will be an introduction of the recently formed Vail Economic Recovery Team whose mission will include studying and making recommendations on how Vail will reboot its business economy. In addition, there will be a recap about the status of the town’s Community Relief Fund program. Lastly, the finance department will present a revised budget taking into consideration the major/critical stages of the recession plan.
5.Action Items
5.1.Ordinance No. 5, Series of 2020, An Ordinance Reducing the Numbers of Board Members Required to Serve on the Town of Vail Arts Board5 min.
Presenter(s): Matt Mire, Town Attorney
Action Requested of Council: Approve, approve with amendments or deny Ordinance No. 5, Series of 2020 upon first reading
Background: The Vail Town Council wishes to reduce the number of board members required to serve on the Town of Vail Arts Board from seven members to five members.
Staff Recommendation: Approve, approve with amendments or deny Ordinance No. 5, Series of 2020 upon first reading. 
6.Consent Agenda (5 min.)
6.1.March 3, 2020 Town Council Meeting Minutes
6.2.March 17, 2020 Town Council Meeting Minutes
6.3.March 24 Town Council Special Meeting Minutes
6.4.March 31, 2020 Town Council Special Meeting Minutes
6.5.Resolution No. 18, Series of 2020, A Resolution of the Vail Town Council Extending the Declaration of a Local Disaster Emergency
Background: An update about the Town's response to Eagle County's Standing Public Health Order Related to Events and Town of Vail operational changes in an effort to mitigate spread of COVID 19.  Review executed Order Declaring a Local Disaster Emergency in and for the Town of Vail, Colorado and consideration of adopting Resolution that addresses extending the local disaster emergency time-frame. 
Staff Recommendation: Approve, approve with amendments or deny Resolution No. 18, Series of 2020. 
6.6.Police Dept. Rooftop Air Handling Units Contract to American Mechanical Services
Background: The PD roof top units provide heat and cooling for the POD interior space.There are eight units total. The current plan is to replace two unit a year for the next four years. The replacements will be state of the art high efficiency units. Three bids were received for this work.  
Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Town Manager to enter into an agreement, in a form approved by the Town Attorney, with American Mechanical Services in the amount not to exceed, $81,482
6.7.Publc Work Shop Retaining Wall Contract to Hyder Construction
Background: On April 4, 2020, the town staff provided an update on the project and received direction from the Town Council to solicit bids through Hyder Construction for the Public Works Shop Yard Expansion Retaining Wall and Utility project.  The proposal is within the project budget provided to Town Council on April 4. The project will not only construct the wall but will place an additional 15,000 CY of material at the Bald Mountain berm.
Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Town Manager to enter into an agreement, in a form approved by the Town Attorney, with Hyder Construction in the amount not to exceed, $4,629,652.
7.Town Manager Report (10 min.)
8.Information Update (5 min.)
8.1.April Revenue Update
8.2.VLHA April 14, 2020 Meeting Results
9.Matters from Mayor, Council and Committee Reports (10 min.)
10.1.Adjournment 8:35 pm estimate

Meeting agendas and materials can be accessed prior to meeting day on the Town of Vail website All town council meetings will be streamed live by High Five Access Media and available for public viewing as the meeting is happening. The meeting videos are also posted to High Five Access Media website the week following meeting day,


Please call 970-479-2136 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 48 hour notification dial 711.